Triceps Press Downs - Full Range Triceps Exercise
By: Rajat Kumar | Last Updated: Aug 21, 2018
Also known as Lat machine Press downs, triceps cable press downs are a great way to blast triceps and build them through full range of motion. Also known as Triceps Pushdowns, Triceps Pushdowns, and Triceps Push-down.
Type: Strength
Main Muscle Worked: Triceps
Equipment: Cable
Level: Beginner
To Build overall Muscle Mass in the Triceps. A super strict, elbow locked triceps exercise when done properly will blast your triceps.
Execution Technique:
This exercise is done using an overhead pulley machine, just like the one used for Lats Pull downs.
1. Hook a small bar to the pulley and hold it with an overhand close grip. Keep your whole body steady.
2. Press the bar down as far as possible keeping your elbows locked.
3. Now release and get back to starting position.
Points to remember:
- Remember exert while you exert.
- Keep a controlled motion and avoid jerky movements.
- Keep whole body steady.
Image credit: bodybuildingDotCom
Triceps Press Downs - Full Range Triceps Exercise
By: Rajat Kumar | Last Updated: August 21, 2018
Also known as Lat machine Press downs, triceps cable press downs are a great way to blast triceps and build them through full range of motion. Also known as Triceps Pushdowns, Triceps Pushdowns, and Triceps Push-down.
Type: Strength
Main Muscle Worked: Triceps
Equipment: Cable
Level: Beginner
To Build overall Muscle Mass in the Triceps. A super strict, elbow locked triceps exercise when done properly will blast your triceps.
Execution Technique:
This exercise is done using an overhead pulley machine, just like the one used for Lats Pull downs.
1. Hook a small bar to the pulley and hold it with an overhand close grip. Keep your whole body steady.
2. Press the bar down as far as possible keeping your elbows locked.
3. Now release and get back to starting position.
Points to remember:
- Remember exert while you exert.
- Keep a controlled motion and avoid jerky movements.
- Keep whole body steady.
Image credit: bodybuildingDotCom