One Arm Triceps Extensions To Build Triceps Muscle
By: Rajat Kumar | Last Updated: Nov 13, 2019
One arm Triceps Extensions Exercise to isolate and build triceps muscle. For sake of variation you can perform Standing One Arm triceps Extensions - This exercise is done standing and you will have to keep your other hand behind the back for support.
Type: Strength
Main Muscle Worked: Triceps
Equipment: Dumbbell
Level: Intermediate
Purpose: To Build muscle mass in the triceps muscle.
Execution: This exercise can be done seated, standing or lying down with a dumbbell.
Steps of doing:
1. Sit on a bench with a dumbbell held straight over your head with arm fully extended.
2. Without moving your elbow, lower the dumbbell going as low as possible.
3. Now extend your arm and get a full triceps extension.
4. Repeat on the other hand after finishing this set.
- Standing One-Arm Triceps Extensions - This exercise is done standing and you will have to keep your other hand behind the back for support.
- Or You can also do this using a rope instead of a dumbbell.
One Arm Triceps Extensions To Build Triceps Muscle
By: Rajat Kumar | Last Updated: November 13, 2019
One arm Triceps Extensions Exercise to isolate and build triceps muscle. For sake of variation you can perform Standing One Arm triceps Extensions - This exercise is done standing and you will have to keep your other hand behind the back for support.
Type: Strength
Main Muscle Worked: Triceps
Equipment: Dumbbell
Level: Intermediate
Purpose: To Build muscle mass in the triceps muscle.
Execution: This exercise can be done seated, standing or lying down with a dumbbell.
Steps of doing:
1. Sit on a bench with a dumbbell held straight over your head with arm fully extended.
2. Without moving your elbow, lower the dumbbell going as low as possible.
3. Now extend your arm and get a full triceps extension.
4. Repeat on the other hand after finishing this set.
- Standing One-Arm Triceps Extensions - This exercise is done standing and you will have to keep your other hand behind the back for support.
- Or You can also do this using a rope instead of a dumbbell.